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Welcome to the 2022 El Sistema USA Bridge to Harmony Virtual Brunch!

*This event has passed. See the recording of the event below.


We are truly honored in your interest in making a financial investment to support our day to day operations and grow our movement to support thousands more children and communities.

This event supports El Sistema USA, a member organization that supports 140 + programs inspired by El Sistema to effect social change through music for over 20,000 children nationwide! Join us at the Brunch to hear about how El Sistema USA is a national voice for the intersection of excellence and equity in music education.

The virtual gathering will bring together supporters of El Sistema who believe in the power of music to transform lives and communities.

The Brunch is Thursday, October 27 at 9am PT/ 12pm ET via Zoom. You can attend from home on your personal device. There is no cost to attend the Brunch, but there will be a formal ask for a donation at the event.

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2025 Regional Gatherings

This series of two regional events on the east and west coast will bring together music educators, administrators, and students for two days of professional development, networking, and community engagement.